Multiple Day Options

Reading is your friend. Please read class descriptions to avoid scheduling issues.

Colorado law allows for you to split up your 8 hours of Concealed Handgun Training into multiple days. We have 2 and 3 day options, and in some limited circumstances we can customize days as well. This allows you to complete the arbritary government requirements on your schedule.

Because there are many options, it is important that you read class descriptions.

Other Ways To Get Your Permit: One Day Class | Private Class | Competitions

4 Hour Class + 4 Hour Range

Spend 4 hours in-class getting valueable concealed carry information. Then on a separate day, complete the requirements by attending a 4 hour range session.

2 Class Days + 1 Range Day

Complete the legal requirements with 2 in-class sessions and range time all on separate days. Range time can be done before class time.