Guns For Everyone Instructor

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Learn About The Network Option

Guns For Everyone Careers

Variety of Locations – Fulltime/Part Time Position – Training Available

Guns For Everyone is looking for Network Instructors and Employed Instructors. Network Instructors are instructors who run their own business and take advantage of GFE’s marketing and brand recognition. This page is for those who want to work for GFE directly.

Job Description

Looking for fulltime and part time instructor all over the US. Looking for intstructors to conduct and lead concealed carry classes, as well as defensive shooting classes.

With this position you can set your own schedule, and your earning potential is up to you.


  • Conduct Concealed Carry Classes
  • Conduct Defensive Shooting Classes
  • Stay up to date on state laws
  • Keep current presentation


  • Have state required certification and keep it current (Training available)
  • USCCA DSF or IDS Instructor certification (Training available)
  • Good public speaking skills
  • Knowledge of basic physics, handguns, history of tactics
  • Good debating skills. Understanding how to have a conversation instead of argument.
  • Desire to teach.