March 22nd, 2025 – Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting – Colorado Springs, CO

  • Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting, October 5th - Pueblo CO
     March 22, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
     Pikes Peak Gun Club The Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Course is not designed to make you the best shooter you can be on the range, instead, its goal is to help you quickly develop fundamental skills that you can apply in a worst-case scenario defensive shooting situation.


  • Isaac Chase
    Certified through Guns For Everyone National, and the NRA

This class does not currently meet the NEW CHP Training Requirements and does NOT currently offer a training certificate necessary to apply for your Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit.  Please contact us directly if you are need a CHP Class. The Fundamentals of IDS is a one day course that will expose the student to all (more…)