Guns For Everyone has had nearly 100,000 students come through our Free Concealed Carry classes in the last 10 years. We have heard every kind of story, heard every kind of question, and seen every walk of life.
When we discuss the 911 call in our class, we always emphasize that the recording of the call will be used in the investigation after a self defense incident, and is very likely to be used in the prosecution against you.
You are almost guaranteed to say something on that 911 call that opens legal doors that are not easily closed. You must understand this risk.
Two months ago I had a County Criminal Court Judge in the class. She had 16 years experience as a Prosecutor, and had been on the bench for more than 2 years. In this class, when we reached the topic of the 911 call, our judge emphatically agreed, and made it a point to tell the entire class that in her experience, the prosecution will almost always use the 911 call in the court room.
A key point that I try to impress on our students is that there is a huge amount of risk involved in that call. You are likely to be in an altered and elevated state of mind. You are almost guaranteed to say something on that 911 call that opens legal doors that are not easily closed. You must understand this risk.
Most people have never experienced an investigation or a prosecution, and will be caught completely off guard as the investigation moves forward. Training and education is essential to prepare you for that risk. Take your responsibilities seriously, continue your education, and don’t take anything for granted in the aftermath.
Join us for Defensive Shooting Fundamentals with guest instructor Barret Kendrick of Bearco Training, July 30th and 31st!