The Definition of Concealed

One question that we get all the time in our Free Concealed Carry Classes is “What is the definition of concealed under Colorado law.” Its an important question asked by people who are conscious about following the law. But In Colorado, the answer is not as easy or...

Self Defense In The Front Yard, Does Make My Day Apply?

On Friday, January 27th, 2023, a jury acquitted William Bryce Scholle of multiple charges stemming from a shooting on his property a year earlier. William confronted a drunk intruder on his property on the night of January 29th, 2022. The intruder was a man named...

Seattle Man Puts It All On The Line To Defend His Family

In a majority of self defense incidents where a gun is used to defend a person, the gun is used without having to fire it.  This is the best case scenario as it limits the overall risk to the defender.  But in some of these cases, the bullets do start flying.  Once...