New Details About How Eli Dicken Stopped A Mass Shooter

Much ink and video has been devoted to the mass shooting and the young man that stopped it on July 17th, 2022 in Greenwood, Indiana.  Eli Dicken, a 21 year old man who was carrying a concealed handgun that day was mentally and physically ready to stop an...

A Gun Isn’t Any Guarantee – Skills and Mindset

This week we are going to look at a video from an armed robbery that took place in Oklahoma City last year. This video starts like so many others, a normal person in the middle of a normal routine. In this case, our victim is at the car wash in the middle of the day....

Colorado Gun Rights and You

Colorado is once again in the cross hairs of the anti-gun lobby and we are facing an assault weapons ban. This time the proposed law changes represent some very dangerous outcomes for our gun rights, far more than we’ve faced in the past.  Colorado is...