Vicious Attack On The Light Rail

Buying a gun for self defense is a big step in a self defense plan. It is a very powerful and effective tool and when used properly, it has the potential to allow people who are smaller, weaker or outnumbered to prevail in a dangerous attack. But the tool by itself is...

Forced to Shoot – When Self Defense Gets Complicated

Any sane person who arms themselves for self defense will tell you that they don’t really want any trouble, they carry the gun in case trouble finds them. But life is anything but simple and a recent self defense situation in Denver shows how ugly self defense...

The Trap of Normalcy Bias

Last week, we sent an email defining what Justified means in self defense. This week we’re going to talk about a psychological phenomenon that could impact whether you are really ready to defend yourself. It’s 10pm on a Saturday night.  You and your...

Anatomy and Self Defense

Last week, we sent an email defining what Justified means in self defense. This week we’re going to talk about why it’s so important to understand the human body and how it works when it comes to self defense shooting. Most people took biology in high...

The Natural Responsibility of Self Defense

Last week, we wrote about understanding anatomy and how that applies to a self defense shooting. This week we’re going to discuss how your right to self defense comes with a huge responsibility. We love talking about Rights. I have a right to speak, a right to...